
Duas versões de projetos de longa duração estão sendo apresentadas na Bienal de Liverpool de 2021. A publicação, Enzyme #2: Life Systems (2021), se ancora em uma prática de pesquisa interessada em questões ambientais e conta com respostas de artistas feitas especialmente para a revista. A publicação foi produzida em colaboração com os artistas Joélson Buggilla, Newton Harrison, Bonnie Ora Sherk, Abbie Bradshaw, Cos Ahmet e Linda Jane James e foi coeditada por Jorgge Menna Barreto e Sarah Happersberger. O segundo projeto, Mauvais Alphabet (2021), acontece na parede externa do Bluecoat na Blundell Lane. Interessado na nossa relação com o ambiente e feito em colaboração com Anna Jane Houghton, muralista local, o projeto entrelaça desenhos de ervas daninhas encontradas em Liverpool, feitos por alunos de graduação da LJMU Fine Arts: Abbey Foy, Amelia Scott, Caitlin Pengelly, Carys de Gruchy, Charlotte Donnelly-Dobson, Claire Prescott, Darcie Chazen, Emer Bolger, Emily Mincher, Erin Lorimer, Erin Roddy, Francesca Robb, Helen Lydon, Hera Perihar, Joy Clarke, Karema Munassar, Niamh Rowlands, Sara Artibani e Will Pollock. Ambos os projetos foram comissionados pela Bienal de Liverpool com o apoio do British Council e Catherine Petitgas.

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Two versions of longer durational projects are being presented at the Liverpool Biennial 2021. The publication, Enzyme #2: Life Systems (2021), anchors on the research-based practice focussing on environmental issues and a group of artists’ responses, which were especially designed for the magazine. The publication was produced in collaboration with artists Joélson Buggilla, Newton Harrison, Bonnie Ora Sherk, Abbie Bradshaw, Cos Ahmet & Linda Jane James, and was co-edited by Jorgge Menna Barreto and Sarah Happersberger. The second project, Mauvais Alphabet (2021), happens at Bluecoat’s external wall space on Blundell Lane. Interested in reorienting our relationship with the environment, the mural, made in collaboration with local mural artist, Anna Jane Houghton, entangles drawings of common weeds found in Liverpool, made by undergrad students from LJMU Fine Arts: Abbey Foy, Amelia Scott, Caitlin Pengelly, Carys de Gruchy, Charlotte Donnelly-Dobson, Claire Prescott, Darcie Chazen, Emer Bolger, Emily Mincher, Erin Lorimer, Erin Roddy, Francesca Robb, Helen Lydon, Hera Perihar, Joy Clarke, Karema Munassar, Niamh Rowlands, Sara Artibani e Will Pollock. Both projects were commissioned by Liverpool Biennial with support from the British Council and Catherine Petitgas.

Liverpool Biennial Website

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